2020 Rotary Scholarship
Megan Garner Recipient of the 2020 Rotary Scholarship.
Rotary purchases $25 gift cards at two different local business every week.
Local chefs and Rotary feed needy
Chisago County Press June 25, 2020
The Chisago Lakes Rotary is using a grant and $500 of its own locally generated funds to get prepared meals to area vulnerable adults.
Restaurants participating include: Deutschland, in Lindstrom, with Alex Miron in photo with meal bags. Phil’s Grill, Center City and The Northern, Chisago City are also on the schedule through mid-July.
Meals are sent out through the Family Pathways Food Shelf in Chisago City. In second photo Kay Oien, volunteer, greeted delivery of the meals donation earlier this week.
2021 Rotary Scholarship
© Rotary International/Monika Lozinska
Local couple wins ATV from Rotary fundraiser
Remember seeing this ATV on display at the Home Improvement Expo last winter? Well, the main prize, part of a fundraiser for Rotary and Lions, has been touring the town celebration circuit and a winner was just announced at Frankie’s Saturday, Aug. 20, during the Bass Tourney. The winner is Barb Prindle. The Tracker 450 ATV is valued at $6,800 and Frankie and Deb Dusenka are acknowledged by Lions and Rotary members for their making this fundraiser possible. Deb is pictured third from left, with Barb and Fred Prindle, and Rotary rep Bill Mack to right. To left side are Lions member Gary Gerke and Rotary rep Roger Trivette, in hat.
Second place in the drawing $500 went to Colleen Kargel, and the third place prize, an Oculus Quest 2 was won by Ward Mefeterd.
Josie Waltman is the 2021 recipient of the Chisago Lakes Rotary scholarship. Josie will be attending the University of North Dakota to pursue a degree in nursing with the hope of becoming a nurse anesthetist.