Chisago Lakes Rotary Club Grant Application
Please read the Guidelines for Rotary Grants before completing this application. Rotary is an international service organization which sponsors programs and projects in almost every country in the world. The Chisago Lakes Rotary Club is committed to both local and international community projects and programs.
Applicant’s or Organization’s Contact Information:
Applicant’s Name: ________________________________________________________________
Organization: ____________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Phone: (Day) ______________ (Cell) _______________ E-mail: ____________________________
Website: _________________________________________________________________________
Applicant’s or Organization’s Financial Information: ____________________________________
Charitable/non-profit organization? Yes _____ No _____
Service Area: _____________________________________________________________________
When and how much? _____________________________________________________________
Opportunity to match funds from another donor? Yes _____ No _____
Received funds from Rotary before? Yes _____ No _____
Project Information:
Total project budget: _________________________
Requested amount from Rotary: ________________
When are funds needed: _______________________
Summarize the proposed project; indicate target group, what will happen, when and where it will occur. If this is a capital expenditure, describe how equipment will be used. Attach additional narrative on a separate sheet of paper, but summarize here:
Describe how the requested funds would help to fulfill the Mission of Rotary (Service Above Self) and satisfies the type of projects that Rotary is interested in supporting (see Guidelines for types of projects):
If this is a capital expenditure, how will upkeep and replacement parts be funded and over what period of time?
How will Chisago Lakes Rotary support be acknowledged?
Please mail your completed application to:
Chisago Lakes Rotary Club, P.O. Box 954, Lindstrom, MN 55045
1. Recipients should be charitable and/or non-profit organizations and the grant money requested for a specific need; not general operating expenses. (In general, individuals – excluding students - in a financially needy situation, or who individually seek to do good work, should partner with an established charitable organization for their specific needs. Exceptions can be made at the Board’s discretion.)
2. A Rotary grant request should be accompanied by a completed Grant Application.
3. Recipients should be non-sectarian and non-political.
4. Requests will be reviewed monthly at Board meetings.
5. Grants are not automatically repeated; an application needs to be submitted within each fiscal year for which a grant is needed. The Rotary fiscal year is July 1 to June 30.
6. Typically, Rotary is interested in supporting targeted projects that deal with: health, hunger, poverty, problems of the elderly, children, domestic abuse, education and literacy, disabilities, town beautification, ecology, environment, and those projects that benefit the community.
7. Rotary welcomes the opportunity to partner with other service organizations to advance specific goals consistent with the objectives of Rotary. Priority will be given to activities where there is an opportunity for matching funds.
8. Recipients are encouraged to acknowledge the Chisago Lakes Rotary Club in their publicity for recognition of civic contributions.
9. Recipients will be expected to provide a follow-up report regarding the effect of Rotary’s grant. Recipients may also be asked to present during a weekly Rotary meeting.
10. Grant applications must be mailed to Chisago Lakes Rotary, PO Box 954, Lindstrom, MN 55045.